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Future Members Survey

We're entering the next phase of Evil Empire, designing a space that accommodates your unique needs as a creative professional. By filling out this survey, you're helping us dial things in to tailor fit the future facility to you. Not all fields are mandatory, but please fill out as much as you can. The more information, the better. That said, don't worry about giving us the answers we want to hear, be brutally honest. Thanks in advance!

Who are you?

What are you looking for?

What other kinds of amenities would you want to see and how frequently would you need them?

What is your expected monthly budget for your office and amenity needs?

How would you get yourself to work at our current location? Check all that apply.

Final thoughts. Anything we haven't thought of that you think would be useful to you as a creative? Anything else you'd like us to know about you? This is your chance, you can say anything! But please, don't be too evil :)

Thanks for submitting! With your help we'll be able to make this the most evil place on earth.

Mua ha ha ha haaaaa

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